
JJCPF and the United Congregation of Israelites (UCI) have engaged Cemify, the cemetery management software application, to host the photos, scaled surveys, transcribed and translated epitaphs, and condition analyses volunteers recorded, beginning in 2007, of Jamaica's Jewish cemeteries.

Cemify is a web-based software program developed for the management of open active cemeteries. However, its features provide and enable a flexible, inexpensive platform for the storage of this large and ever expanding volume of material.

JJCPF is currently digitizing, sorting, and uploading the data recorded to the Cemify platform.

Visitors can see a map of the cemetery, search by name, click on individual tombstones, view images of each grave, read transcriptions and translations of epitaphs, and learn about the architecture of each gravestone.

Click here to access Cemify, our cemetery database for the following cemeteries: